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About Us

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Our Mission

Plumbing problems can be some of the most disruptive, worrisome, and expensive challenges of home ownership. At Best Value Plumbing, we believe that you, the homeowner, should be able to expect timely, dependable service from a professional plumber anytime the need arises. We also believe you deserve a clear, up-front explanation of the nature of your plumbing problems and the best course of action for solving those problems, along with an honest disclosure of the expected cost. At Best Value Plumbing, our mission is to fulfill those expectations so you will call on us when future needs arise. We want to be your first choice for professional, reliable plumbing service in the Arlington area.

You value your time, and so do we.

When you call us, two things will happen:

1. We'll set an appointment time with you.
2. We'll show up when we say we're going to.

Why Choose Us?

Ever call a contractor and have them give you a range of hours between which they may arrive, like "between 8AM and 4PM"? They hold your day captive to their schedule. We respect your schedule. When you call us, two things will happen: (1) we'll set an appointment time with you, and (2) we'll show up when we say we're going to. The rest of your day is yours.

Best Value Plumbing is owned and operated by John Thatcher, a Master Plumber with 24 years' experience at installing, troubleshooting, repairing, and solving problems with both common and uncommon plumbing fixtures and systems. John is not an absentee owner; when you call on Best Value Plumbing, John will show up, along with any additional professional personnel necessary to get the job done right. The #1 reason to choose Best Value Plumbing over our competition is quite simple: we do what we say we're going to do when we say we're going to do it.

Leak or Pipe Burst?

We stand ready to respond to your emergency plumbing issues... call us now!

(817) 323-7319 OR Contact Form

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